Unreal Tournament 2004 is was an incredibly popular game, and pioneered some amazing technology for its time. On January 24th 2023 Epic Games decided to shut down their master servers for several of their classic titles which were for sale practically a month before the shut down. We strongly believe in supporting games and if Epic doesn’t want to, the community will find a way. Unreal Tournament 2004 was one of the most modded games in history, with direct support AND ENCOURAGEMENT from the developer to add to the game (something you don’t see anymore).
When the news came of the shut down, we established this website that was supposed to let you view active servers and join them from the web browser. We then found out of a large existing project called OpenSpy, who had a reverse engineered Master Server for UT2004. From there we pivoted to being a supporter of OpenSpy, and general advice on how to get the game, play the game, and how to patch the game.
Want to get your copy online? It's easy!
Patching your game or game server to connect to the new Master Server address is very easy.
Need Support? Want to find players?
If you’re looking for help with the game, or need assistance with the game, game servers, or want to connect with other players? Discord is going to be your best choice, as most communities are using it now for communication.
OpenSpy Discord: For problems with OpenSpy and getting UT2004 to work online.
PWC-Gaming: The community that manages the public redirect server, runs the global ban system Llama Punter, and this site.
UT2004 Central: A great community of UT2004 Players. This is the place to be if you’re looking for general questions on modding, playing the game, or finding people to play with. Has tons of recommendation for other community discord servers in here in the #hub channel.